Tuesday, 4 August 2015

I know this post is about 2.5 weeks late but.. sue me.  I'd start calling them Tuesday Tunes but it just sounds awful doesn't it?  So no, this isn't about putting on weight after gorging yourself on way too many helpings of Lasagne, (my regular swimming routine puts task to that) I've just been listening to things that are a tad heavier over the last week and thought I'd put something together that reflects that.  Maybe it's a reflection of the somewhat rainy weather we've been plagued with?  Either way, I'm really into this playlist and it still ends on quite a light cheery note.  (Thanks Alex Chilton!)

I've opened it up with ZZ Top, who are truly in the upper echelons of cool. If you look past the beards and the furry guitars there's a lot there, and one thing that goes without argument is Billy Gibbons' guitar playing is no laughing matter.  According to him, it was BB King who told him to use light guitar strings as anything heavier was getting in the way of his playing.  My Dad used to love this band, and I finally see it was with good reason.  Also included is yet another great 70s cut from Aerosmith, No More No More.  Opening with the absolutely excellent lyric "Blood stains the ivories on my Daddy's baby grand, ain't seen the daylight since we started this band", Steven Tyler sure knew how to pen 'em.  Moving on, as usual a few fun facts about some of these songs:

  • - On The Ocean, there's a bunch of background noises that can be noticed through careful ringing, including a telephone ringing.  This all happened by chance as the band recorded House of the Holy in a house, rather than a regular recording studio
  • - On Melbourne based Australian radio station 3RRR in the mid to late 1980s, a legal show aired named after Warren Zevon's song 'Laywers, Guns and Money'
  • - Though it sounds deceivingly simple, hidden on September Gurls by Big Star is a Fender mando guitar, an early electronic guitar/mandolin hybrid.
  • - Bonus fact - I once caught a live Justin Timberlake concert playing on VH1 in the mid 00's.  They sampled The Ocean for a verse of one of his songs.  It was pretty, pretty awful.

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